The term “case study” is such a snooze-fest. So I thought I’d spice it up a smidge. After all, you want to know what I’ve done in the mists of time, who I’ve done it for and how amazing it was. We’ll leave out the bits of work that went tits up or were more toxic than the Springfield nuclear plant.
So, for your consideration, I’ve got 👇🏻
The London Eye - low budget, BIG results (still dinning out on this one almost 12 years later)
The Open University - bigger budget, huge results, amazing client
Maturity modelling case study - intellectually challenging, fascinating bit of work
Pearson - big fun with big numbers
NHS - how hard can it be to find the symptoms of COVID? (Hint, very hard until I worked my magic)
If there’s something specific you want to know, slide into my DMs for a chat and I’ll take you through ‘em.
Interesting facts
One of the great things about working in design and / or tech, we get to take our skills to all kinds of companies. If you're a random factoid addict like I am, this is absolute fluffing joy. I love learning about things unique to each business, from strange quirks (like how train tickets get priced) to the history of the company (like how Pearson didn't start out selling text books). I've sprinkled the little factoids that I learned about the orgs I've worked with.