Taxonomy is the the science of arranging things, think books on a shelf in its simplest form. When it comes to digital spaces, it's the art of grouping information or products into groups that allow people to find them more easily.
While the term taxonomy is the correct one, it's not exactly equitable. So I use the term Navigation Design. It's something I'm an expert in, as I'm probably the only person in the world who specialises in it.
I've defined how to research and test navigation structures, so they've got longevity. This saves operational costs and improves engagement and conversion rates. There is only one organisation that specialises in navigation design, this one.
Nothing phases me when it comes to navigation design, here's some examples of the types of projects I've worked on.
Basic website structures for ecommerce, information, government and local government websites
Mapping existing information structures (manually) to rebuild them to make them more navigable, with the inclusion of basic, usable, metadata for enhanced navigability for the purposes of replatforming an ecommerce site to Shopify.
Information strategy, using an existing digital ecosystem to completely redefine the digital strategy for the organisation, including a scaleable website architecture for replatforming 260 global locations. The goal was a reduction in operational digital footprint, providing autonomy for each market, while maintaining a universal standard for brand, content and user experience.