If you thought the word taxonomy was a little mind expanding, ontology is going to blow your mind. Technically, it's a branch of metaphysics (no, nothing to do with that Meta). To me, it's all about understanding and defining relationships between things.
Taxonomies are the basics, you need one if you want a digital space that people can find their way around. Ontologies take things to the next level. An ontology establishes relationships between information or products making it much easier to find things.
Ontologies start with something simple like a metadata schema, that elevate people navigate things like product collections in Shopify. They move onto search strategies that make sure your visitors are getting relevant results and staying on your website. Through to custom design and productisation of the XML data mountain you're sitting on (and probably didn't think you could monetise).
Ontologies can seem complicated and scary, but I can make them much easier for you. Here's a few ways I've helped others do just that:
Defining and implementing basic metadata for an ecommerce website replatformed onto Shopify, making it both easier to navigate and accessible for their customers.
Leading the implementation of a new search engine on the NHS UK website (during the pandemic, for added spiciness), including defining synonym strategy and operationalising the search engine to ensure its long term effectiveness.
Productising XML schemas for a client who didn't realise they had an untapped revenue stream within their vast data libraries.
Ontologies can seem complicated, but I've got a knack for simplifying things helping you reduce costs and increase operational efficiency (and who doesn't love that?). If that sounds like something you could do with, drop me a line.